Monday, July 18, 2011

Lace is the New Black!

Again shall I say, forgive me for keeping this blog in a long pause for an update. Well, busy is the word but do know that I'm not gonna let my story hanging on the hook. With that, I request for patience, my avid loyal readers ;)

For those who still follows BK Bites~!, let's just say I am currently worki
ng on for some new ideas on the next chapter, so it is not being written yet as I didn't get the inspiration to continue writing. The storyline is in my mind, it's just that I can't get them in the right words to make it as a reading piece. And I'd say BK Bites~! has a lot more chapters to go, the story doesn't even meet its near end yet. Stay patient and maybe somewhere around in this month of July, I'll bring you more of it ;)

In the meantime of waiting for the words to be falling into a written BK Bites~! tale, recently I've been writing a new fanfiction. New wicked story for the fans of the bloodsucking creatures, the mortals with spells and in between; the silver blood lines. Actually, this story was meant for my eyes and a few of my other close darlings' to have a read but on the 2nd thought, why not make it free for the public's eyes? ;) Good news for you that I'm kind enough to share ;p

This time, the story plot was created with the big influence of the Vampire Knight anime. And hey, if you're a fan of Bill Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel, Strify, Yu & Kiro from Cinema Bizarre, William Beckett from The Academy Is... or maybe these male models namely Javier Lane, Kellan Lutz, Cam Gigandet, you might be loving this story to bits! Not only them, I might feature a lot more of the gorgeous stars you admire in the real life! Yes, putting them altogether in one wicked fantasy tale just for your reading pleasure. Well wait no more, here comes a new tale called "Laced in Black" *,..,*